Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Foreign vs Baikal

Since last year, we wrote about the fall in demand from tourists to overseas destinations. Already in May, with the strengthening of the ruble Irkutsk people again began to buy permits to foreign resorts. However, the stability did not last long and the ruble again passed. Relax in the usual inexpensive Thailand became unaffordable. We decided to compare where to relax more: on the lake, in Thailand, Vietnam or Turkey.

The cost of overseas tours in comparison with last year increased significantly. Already it is impossible to find a tour to Pattaya for 20 thousand rubles, now a tourist asked at least 30 thousand. Let's see what the latest offerings are per person based on double occupancy Irkutsk travel agencies offer.

For 10 nights in Pattaya departing July 23 will cost from 33 thousand rubles. The price includes flights, accommodation, medical insurance, transport. 12 days with departure on July 22 will cost a bit more expensive - 33 100 rubles. Including flights, transfers, accommodation, meals (breakfast), medical insurance, excursions. 12 nights in Phuket departing July 24 will cost 34 300 rubles. The price includes flights, accommodation, transfers, insurance.
Foreign vs Baikal
Foreign vs Baikal

Relax in another Asian country - Vietnam - a little more expensive. Thus, the minimum cost of the tour in this area - 30 400 rubles for 11 nights with departure for 17 of July. Here are all the same - flight, accommodation, transfers and insurance. 13 days after departure on the same day offer 36 500 rubles. As you can see in the proposed tours are not powered on. This means that the food would have to spend at least another 10-15 thousand.

10 days holiday in Turkey (depart July 30) will have to pay from 38 400 rubles. The price includes flights, accommodation, transfers, insurance, meals on the system "all inclusive". However, an additional need to pay another $ 40 fuel surcharge. There are far more tempting offer - 41 000 tickets on July 18 to 14 days. Conditions are the same as on the tour mentioned above.

As the manager of the sales office "Pegas Touristik" Anastasia Kadilnikova, a significant drop in demand is observed in spite of the higher prices. The most popular summer destinations in Irkutsk Turkey remains on an "all inclusive".

- With today's dollar exchange rate is very favorable. A little grown up prices for tours to Thailand and Vietnam from Irkutsk. The last time there were no last-minute trips, because now many book their trips in advance. Those customers who are accustomed to rest in Europe, we ship via Krasnoyarsk and Moscow, picking up convenient connections. Also very popular Crimea - demand is very grown on tours or just for flights to Simferopol.

The most popular summer holiday destination Irkutsk, of course, is Lake Baikal. According to the June survey on our website, more than 30% of users are going to spend your summer vacation there. Foreign preferred 25.7% of respondents in the country rested another 14%, summer in the city will hold 21.6% of the respondents.

According to the company "AB Tours" Olga Roslyakova, a substantial increase in demand for tours on Lake Baikal and the base was not. The cost of accommodation remained at the same level as last year, but the food has risen in price. According to our interlocutor, if last year the full board was about 750-800 rubles, but now the average price - about 950 rubles.

Olga Roslyakova, representative of "AB Tours":
- The dream of a tourist - a house with amenities, and a kitchen on the shore of a warm lagoon with sandy beach for real money. It is advisable in a deserted place. But there is almost no options, or with the kitchen, or with facilities or 600 meters from the beach. And about the deserted beaches at the height of the season you can forget. Very popular with families with children in the Bay Mandarhan Muhorskom Gulf. Baz there with virtually no amenities, but for the sake of warm water people are willing to go to the room with no amenities, but with kitchens that allows the family to save on food. In second place on the popularity of the Ambassadorial litter, which is also known for its warm water. Many important infrastructure: children's playgrounds, swimming pools, game rooms. In rooms with facilities also have requests, generally from families with small children. Olkhon is also interested in people, but many fear the queue for the ferry.
Foreign vs Baikal
Foreign vs Baikal
As we reported in the agency "Baikal Travel", also popular with tourists neighborhood Sarma, Shida, Joy. If we talk about package tours, the average cost per individual is about 30 thousand rubles per person teams - from 20 thousand.

According to our interlocutors, place under a tent in the camping will cost about 500 rubles per day, deplorable housing will cost 900-1000 rubles, rooms with private facilities - from 2000-2500 thousand. As Olga Roslyakova, now bases are almost no vacant seats in July actively filled first half of August, after August 15, many have reduced the base price and the free space is much easier to find.

On the basis of proposals recreation calculate how much cost ten vacation on Lake Baikal. Arrange will according to the degree of comfort: camping, houses without facilities, landscaped recreation.

Let's start with tents. The most budget option - to stay in one of the "wild" beach, then have to spend the money only on the road, equipment and products. With a tent you can stand up and in one of the recreation centers. As we reported in the databases "Naratey", "Bayar" and "Baikal-track", the cost of accommodation per day is 500 rubles per tent. The same would cost in the region of the stop warm Gulf Mandarhan. The advantage of this placement is that nearby there is a toilet and washing facilities, and the area is protected. The camping "Big Dipper" The cost of renting a wooden platform under a tent (25 square meters) will be 1,000 rubles a day, you can also rent a tent with a sleeping bag, in case the offering price of 800 rubles. The cost of the integrated supply - 530 rubles.

In the Gulf Mukhor unimproved houses on the basis of "Chara" will cost in 1880 rubles for two, separate $ 100 to pay for a shower. Rooms "Standard" will cost more - 4270 rubles per couple per night, category "Comfort" - 4380 rubles. For accommodation in triple cabin have already put 7980 rubles. Number of category "Suite" will cost 9780 rubles travelers. Power - 1080 rubles per day. Operates 30% discount on accommodation for children under 12 years.

At the same bay, but at the base, "Shida", can accommodate more economical. Uncomfortable rooms cost from 850 rubles per person, double room will cost landscaped tourist from 1600 rubles. The cost of food - 900 rubles per day.
Foreign vs Baikal
Foreign vs Baikal

In Kurkutskaya Bay accommodation in deplorable houses on the basis of "Wind of wanderings" costs from 600 rubles per person (toilet and shower area), with a veranda of a house will have to pay 220 rubles. Accommodation in a yurt will cost 1400 rubles (can accommodate up to five people). Comfortable cabins are from 1950 rubles per person. Power - 980 rubles per day.

On the basis of "Naratey" four house with no amenities will cost 2200 rubles (550 rubles per person), triple polublagoustroennye numbers from 2800 (around 900 rubles per person) for three rubles. One-room suite in the cottage worth 4800 rubles for three (1600 people), two-room apartment in the same category would cost in 5900 (about 1,500 people) rubles for four. The cost of food - 720 rubles per day.

Double house with amenities on the basis of "Bayar" tour will cost 5500 rubles (2750 per person). Cottage for a family of two adults and two children will cost 6500 rubles (per person in 1625), building on the six is 9,000 rubles (1,500 people). Meals will cost another thousand rubles per person per day.

On the Gulf Mandarhan stay at the recreation center of the same name can be 900 rubles per day. For the money the tourists offer unimproved houses, but with a kitchen. Relax on the basis of "Manderhan-plus" will be a little more - 1000 rubles per person per night. Houses without water or toilets, but also have a kitchen. Facilities on site.

So, now the fun part. We consider the approximate cost of ten days holiday per person (double occupancy). Recreation tent: accommodation - 250 rubles per day (if rent a tent - 400 rubles), food - about 600 rubles a day; 2000 rubles fare there and back (on the bus). Total: a minimum of 10 500 rubles per person. Stop at the house on the basis of unimproved expensive: accommodation about 10 000; food average 9,000 rubles; Road - 2000 Total 21 000 per person for ten days of rest.
Foreign vs Baikal
Foreign vs Baikal
Rest comfortably in a comfortable room or the house will cost an average of 17-18 thousand rubles, another 9000 will have to pay for meals and 2,000 for the road. Total turns 28-29 thousand rubles per person. This way, the value of permits in Thailand. While tourists are not willing to spend so much, according to our survey, 60% of users of the site planned to spend on vacation on Lake Baikal at least five thousand rubles per person. It is important to note that in this review are the minimum rates at such options is almost gone.

They remain free rooms and houses of higher categories, accommodation which will significantly exceed the indicated 30 thousand rubles. Perhaps that is why many prefer to send Irkutsk people on holiday with a tent or shorten a vacation on Lake Baikal to several days. Someone thinks it is reasonable that such a vacation is not worth the money and sent abroad. But to visit the Baikal once or twice during the summer every need. Enjoy nature, enjoy the local cuisine and, of course, swim. Anyone who has not had this summer at the lake, we wish a good rest!

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